Jeff Bezos, Gary Vee, and Elon Musk may not seem like they are all on the same level of rich or famous. Maybe there are slight differences but we all want to have businesses that reach some level of rich and famous. That's why sometimes we become dissatisfied with the...
Here’s where you get a ton of my free content to help keep you inspired as you build and grow your digital business. If you are looking for personal stories, a journey into self-development, some self-help content for storytelling, then you are welcome to my mind.
Is The Freelancer, Remote Work, or Gig Economy Sustainable?
Someone asked if the gig economy will remain sustainable and this is my answer. The world’s increasingly uncertain economy will ensure that a lot more of us need work to be flexible, mobile, and divisible into small tasks. Think of COVID, think of looming war or civil...
Birthing, Ideas, Creating the World From Dreams
It's my birthday today and another opportunity to celebrate birth. In the past three decades and a year, I have had the opportunity to speak with and work with people who've shared their dreams unreservedly. Some shared with me as clients, others as friends, and...
The Ultimate Freelancer Income Growth Matrix: I think I am ready for a car.
Today, I went out to shop for cars. For the first time in my life, I walked confidently into a dealership. I don’t think I would have had the guts a few years ago to walk into a car dealership and be telling them “let me think about it”.
At least this year 2021, even though I haven’t bought a car, I feel like I can price a car.
Would you risk your life for a drowning friend?
I watched my best friend drown. I could have called the lifeguards or tried at least to enter the shallow water. But I have seen how drowning could reveal
Life and Transitions I have Made in Five Years
Let me tell you about my life 5 years ago. The picture below shows a brown faded shirt I bought as an undergraduate.
9 Rules to follow when you are underpaid and overworked!
Most people pay for sex what they will never pay for real hard work. It's not news that a lot of young people are underpaid and overworked. I don't know if this applies outside Nigeria but you would see a lot of business owners hiring a stripper before paying for...
Our Undeserved Righteousness: An encounter with S’fico Ncwane
This morning I stumbled on comments under a song I have had on repeat for close to a week. S'fico Ncwane's "Hallelujah" song has held me spellbound for days. I keep repeating this song. I hardly understand a quarter of the words but there is just something about the...