Working from the Hospital hallway… This is my life as an Entrepreneurial Copywriter. My wife is about 8 months pregnant. And I can’t wait to meet our baby. This is not how the journey started for me. I was scared and anxious and some days, I still have worries. I...
Here’s where you get a ton of my free content to help keep you inspired as you build and grow your digital business. If you are looking for personal stories, a journey into self-development, some self-help content for storytelling, then you are welcome to my mind.
Gary Vaynerchuck Wants Business Owners to Work Harder than Employees
One of the business thought leaders I admire a lot is Gary Vaynerchuk. And for a while now, he has been teaching about this idea of working harder than your employees. It makes sense. Because owning a business is a selfish decision and joining a business is also a...
Business Needs that Professional Copywriting Can Solve for You While Growing Your Business Leads
For a lot of business owners, copywriting is just one of those buzzwords out there that they don't understand. Maybe you've seen adverts about using the services of a copywriter to grow your business but you don't know how that works. In this blog, I have decided to...
Why Brief-Packing Impacts Your Copywriting Projects Negatively in the Marketing Process
If you own a business that, I believe, you hold dearly, then you probably choose your team carefully. As you plan to grow teams and processes, there's a lot of damage you do when you hire copywriters with a plan to cheat. Brief-packing is one of the major ways...
Copywriting is Your Business Pitch to Customers
Throughout the lifespan of a business or your career as a business person, you’ll need to talk to people about your product. A quote I read recently hit me. The writer said, “your first investor is your customer”. When we think about people to convince about raising...