A lot of times you may have read about content marketing and brand promotion on this blog. It’s possible you really want to know how to get this thing up and running! You are tired of not getting your business in people’s emails. Well, no one says it would be easy. Yet, you can start your journey into your network’s emails from here.
Truth is, Marketing your content is tedious work. Getting more people to subscribe or join your list is already troublesome enough. Now you have to create content for them every single day.
Then someone tells you about Newsletters and you are wondering how you’d figure out this one again! Too many tools and very little explanation on how to use them for your brands. So what tools are out there? While working with various clients, some names have come up frequently. You may want to check out these top four options for your newsletters:
- Mailchimp.
- Mailerlite.
- Convertkit
- Aweber
The major role these tools play in your email marketing is management. One major struggle you may have is that after setting up an email marketing account, you are now wondering whether Mailchimp should automatically send emails to your subscribers. Nope, that’s not going to happen.
Email marketing tools do not write for you. They only provide you with tools that simplify your email delivery systems. A few solutions email marketing tools provide include:
- Bulk emails: Your gmail or yahoo mail account may not allow you the freedom to send emails to thousands of subscribers.
- Landing pages: you can easily create landing pages for free. For example, a page to offer your readers downloads in exchange for emails.
- Automations: Most email marketing tools allow you to send some automatic emails using content in your blog feed. Check this guide about blog feeds before you continue reading. The Newsletter for this blog is designed using Mailerlite.
- Scheduling: You are able to schedule emails to deliver to a subscriber at certain times after they join your list. This is one useful feature that can even allow you to set up email training like Write with Flair.
- Social Media integrations: Some of these tools allow you to repost to social media automatically or even create adverts. This is particularly a Mailchimp feature to explore.
Depending on your needs, different platforms might come in handy. Don’t be worried if you have to combine more than one email marketing tool. Each of them have their unique selling points. However, understanding what to look out for would help you in choosing.
When you are ready to start email marketing, you should consider the features listed above and including these other factors:
- The number of subscribers allowed on free accounts. This would help you know how long before you’d need to create a paid account.
- Ease of integration with your website. Do they have their own plugins or you need to learn some coding?
- How attractive are the landing page and automated email designs?
- Does the blog feed automation allow you to promote several of your published posts? Mailerlite does this well.
A major part of content marketing is content delivery. It’s important that your web content get’s delivered to your target audience or else you have just wasted some good time creating the content. Most business website owners understand this struggle with newsletters and email marketing. Your content marketing strategy is incomplete if you cannot deliver your newsletters and emails to your growing mailing list.
Some times, Newsletters are just the perfect break your readers need. Make them attractive and entertaining and you’d increase the chances of sales and return sales.
Also, remember that your newsletter is an opportunity to give your loyal customer bonuses. You can share Coupons, Sale Offers, News, and Events on your Newsletter. However, the primary purpose of your email marketing is to provide relevant brand information to new or existing customers.
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