7 Emotions that Can Inspire Your Best Stories

by | Dec 16, 2019 | Freelance, Writing | 0 comments

A lot of writers complain about not having the inspiration to write. This could mean several weeks, months and years of producing nothing. A writer who doesn’t write is definitely going to end up frustrated.

This is why mastering emotions is an important part of the writing process that you need to embrace. It might sound a bit abstract at first but once you read this blog post to the end, you would understand better.

Whether you want to write professionally or for your business, you need to understand the role that emotions play. A story that you feel nothing for, can never win out there.

Depending on what your objectives are, you probably want to tell a story that resonates with your ideal customer or reader. If this story is not real to you, then it would probably bounce off your readers.

One of the major selling points for a lot of students and clients in the Write With Flair program is their passion. Writers are passionate people. This is why learning how to express this passion is such a big deal for a lot of writers. Everyone has something they are passionate about. This is good.

“A story that you feel nothing for, can never win out there.”

Damilola Jonathan Oladeji

In fact, to tell a great story, you must believe that your stories are just as important as any other person’s story. It’s not a competition or anything but feeling deeply about a story helps you find your flow and gives you the confidence to promote that story.

Also Read: Learn Market Tricks that Most Writers Don’t Know!!

However, the problem most times is not just a lack of faith. Most people think they have had great experiences that can become great stories. The real problem is that they have not found an effective way to share their story without making it sound ordinary.

This leads to some obstacles that writers commonly struggle with.

3 Big Obstacles to Writing Great Stories:

Before we talk about what can help you write great stories. Let’s talk about a few common obstacles to writing. You might immediately think we are about to talk about “fear”. True, fear is a big factor but it’s not the biggest. There are 3 other struggles that hinder great storytelling.

  1. Lack of time.
  2. A struggle to find expression, looking for a muse.
  3. Comparison. Getting stuck on other people’s stories that you find yours too ordinary.

A lot of people are told that you have to have a lot of time on your hands to write. That’s a lie! Another fat lie is that you need to have a muse that comes from the moon. Nobody’s story comes in a fancy package. Life never happens to anyone in slow motion. This means that the time we have to capture all our experiences is just too short for the details to be adequately retained.

Thirdly, you really don’t have so much time to compare your story, style or quality with others. This bad writing habit might lead you to stall on your work and even on your growth.

Being Professional

However, being a professional writer means that you cannot always rely on having a specific muse. What you can, however, rely on, is the power of emotions. There’s nothing more effective than an emotional story. People want to connect with your stories on an emotional level.

Eventually, all that really matters is how you make your readers feel. This also means you can easily tap into your memories by remembering how you felt in a situation.

This is why I have chosen to describe a few emotions you might find in a lot of your experiences. By tapping into these emotions, you are likely to tell a convincing story that sells an idea, brand, product or service.

7 Emotions that Can Help You Write Great Stories Include:

1. Sadness: This is quite common for a lot of writers. If you just had a really sad experience, channel the emotions into writing.

2. Excitement: When you have received exciting news, it’s usually a perfect time to let your muse take the wheels.

3. Loneliness: A lot of writers find their muse when there’s no one available to rely on. It feels like a deep gaping hole in your chest. Tears and words may tumble out.

4. Anxiety: Sometimes you may be waiting for some result, or you are just anxious about life. Think about how that makes you feel.

5. Fear: Writing out of fear may not always present a beautiful portrait. However, it might surprise you.

6. Boredom: Your mind cannot just settle on anything specific. The day has become so typical that you just want to tap into some different world than the present boring one you are in.

7. Euphoria: This could be from as little as a good meal to as explosive as lovemaking. The stories you birth from this could leave you breathless.

Have you written a story this year that left you emotional? Did you publish it? If you don’t mind, please share what your experience was as a comment. I bet some of those stories with strong emotions are your best so far.

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