Everything you will read here should help you get a quick start on freelance profit and brand growth.
I like to think that these ideas and strategies would apply on various platforms. In other words, it
shouldn’t matter if you are selling through social media, Upwork, Fiverr, or Amazon.
When I decided to put this together, I realized it would be necessary due to the rapid change the
world is experiencing. With the experience of a global pandemic that has a lot of us locked down at
home, digital marketplaces will grow even more significantly.
I have also included in this product:
- Writing: The Business & Art (From a training I shared in Nairobi Kenya with Writer’s Guild Kenya)
- Optimize Writing: Transcend the Impossible (A collection on writing resources, tools and opportunities to publish or make a profit from writing).
- 2 Presentations on writing profitably.
If you are struggling to make a clear pathway in difficult economic situations, I encourage you to read this collection. It’s not just about how I write or what makes writing profitable for me. Those are included but anyone with a mind to achieve profitable use of their skills should read these ideas I share. Easy to digest and practicable hands-on tools.
Discover more from Damilola Jonathan Oladeji - Website Copywriter
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