A lot of small businesses struggle with the idea of building a business without capital. As the person with an idea, you need money to hire a lot of people including SEO experts, copywriter, marketing experts, social media, and many other digital skills. The alternative is to learn some of these skills and bootstrap.
That’s why I wrote the book Build Your Brand. To ensure that businesses can train themselves to know all the basic tools and methods for building online brands.
There are many problems to solve online. The world is now a global village that has opened up opportunities for e-commerce, remote work, and virtual business networks.
One of the solutions everyone can connect with is the need to break down mental barriers. The knowledge economy is booming as everyone wants to learn something new TODAY!
However, if prospects don’t like or connect with you or your business, there’s no way they’ll buy a service or product that they could source locally!
Why should anyone leave the businesses in their local area to purchase a service from a business all the way in India?
Content is why people do this.
Great content brings 3 benefits to your business:
- Traffic
- Trust
- Temptation.
These 3 Ts cannot be negotiated as they help you create a consistent stream of business. They are critical to any business.
Let’s say you are selling hardware or construction materials and you’ve setup all the offline delivery logistics.
You don’t have an office in the city center with huge billboard subscriptions. You have ZERO clientele, you are starting from scratch and you’ve ordered your products.
How do you get to your first customer?
Once it’s 8 am, all your friends and family are heading out to work where they’ll be too busy to know your struggles and will likely not think about you until the next life event—a birthday or a death.
And everyone considers people who sell at these kind of events desperate and unable to read the room so there goes your opportunity to sell to people directly.
You’ll pass out a few cards to your family at home and they’ll give it to their friends who will stuff it under a lot of crap in their purse.
Now what?
You discover the internet.
Here’s what I would do if I had a business to build from scratch and no money for expensive marketing and funnel tricks:
1. First, I’ll commit time to breaking down my offers into great packages. Write them out so simply that anyone can understand at a glimpse.
2. I’d commit time to creating sales pages with free tools like WordPress, Wix, Webflow etc.
3. I’ll duplicate the sales pages on social pages that allow you list products like Facebook and WhatsApp Business.
4. I would definitely learn how to write better or have a great content developer on retainer. Specifically product based content and then marketing content.
5. I’ll spend a lot of time writing helpful resources for people thinking about building a home. It will target homeowners, contractors/subcontractors and developers because those are your likely buyers.
6. Then, spend some time daily adding people who are in the area or locality I cover. Most would be easy to find in social media groups. Maybe even search for parenting groups because those are people who want homes for their families.
Then, I’ll get my content person to write accurate, well-researched articles that get these groups talking to me. This content is all I’ll be distributing, repurposing, and using to point readers to the offers I created at the beginning.
A relevant offer could be some consultation or free building quotation to those who begin to ask questions and that is how you’ll find your first customer. That’s how you tempt people and get them to connect with you.
New friends mean new business. Marketing and sales are a game of networking and friendship. If you think you’ll sell just by setting up shop and resuming every day, think again.
Got a business or product you are ready to launch? Get 30 mins free talking to a specialist about it today! Use the chat messenger on this site if this sounds like a plan you want to implement. Or send me a WhatsApp message at +27812093165.