If you have a business site then you need to understand your need for landing pages.
Landing pages are static pages like your homepage but instead of carrying visitors around, their only job is to convert visitors to paying clients or customers.
A few weeks ago, Orifunke Lawal told me how she used Elementor to make her landing page for a course. I loved what she had done but I was too busy with a lot of work. I knew I would have to do some serious work for the content on my writing page. Another skill I acquired today was a problem I encountered from working with Jane Oma on Upside Africa – Inspiring African Professionals and Entrepreneurs
We needed to redirect website emails to gmail. While setting up my landing page, I realized I would be placing my official website email but I use gmail most of the time. I finally figured this out. Customer service has never been better!
Note that my writing course is not for the faint of heart. It’s only for risk takers. People who are ready to learn and expand their capacity while probably even holding other jobs. I am not training beginner writers. I am more interested in equipping people who already know what it means to write than I am interested in teaching grammar and vocabulary. If you fit this description then continue with me.
I pride myself in being versatile with content. However, I glean a lot from the people around me. I will share with you my landing page for a writing course I run. Before I share the link though, here are a few tools you need in order to achieve what I did:
1. A good story or content for the visitor to read and relate with. Obviously.
2. A payment gateway integrated with your site.
3. Elementor, also obviously.
4. Video animation software and Youtube channel.
5. An eye for good design.
The writing course I teach is not limited to teaching styles and elements. In fact we do a lot more on practical tools that would help you navigate the world of writing, ecommerce and blogging.
I show you how to infiltrate customers and use social media effectively. The 21 day course is a lifetime of training and self-development. You learn to write, to sell and to build platforms that work.
This is why I just had to create this awesome landing page. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE COURSE PAGE.